ISSN 1239-2685 |
Vol. 17, No. 1 (2012)Entire issue[View PDF] In this issue: [Page 3]Manuscript Submission and Information for Authors[View PDF] [Pages 4-15] Tommi AuvinenThe Ghost Leader: An Empirical Study on Narrative Leadership[View PDF] [Pages 16-21] Thomas Taro LennerforsCorruption and Hosophobia[View PDF] [Pages 22-30] Janaina Macke, Denise Genari & Kad’gia FaccinSocial Capital And Commitment in the Brazilian Wine Industry[View PDF] [Pages 31-40] K. Sangeetha & S. PriaResources Affecting BanksÕ CSR in Sultanate of Oman: A StakeholdersÕ Perspective[View PDF] [Pages 41-50] Umaru M. Zubairu, Olalekan B. Sakariyau & Chetubo K. DaudaEvaluation of Social Reporting Practices of Islamic Banks in Saudi Arabia[View PDF] [Pages 51-52]Call for Applications[View PDF] |
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